From Fear to Faith?

The other day, I ran across a FB post where the author, normally a consistent critic of the President, surprisingly complemented the President on how he was handling the COVID-19 epidemic. I paused to reflect on how the viral challenge might be doing something positive to us on planet Earth.

Fear is a powerful motivator. But so is love. And I’ve seen both operating, sometimes rather intensively, over the last few weeks. The whole TP trauma shows off our monkey brain survivalist. We get energized when the trigger of losing control of our realities is threatened. Yet, I am sensing that there is a new kind of energy in the air also, an energy hinted at by my FB author.

Maybe it’s a new awakening to a profound connectedness. Coronavirus doesn’t pay attention to your race, gender identification, religious beliefs, economic status, or any number of labels. It pays attention to the fact that you’re a suitable human host for replication. So this is humanity’s adversary, a common enemy for us all. And how we respond to this affects global health. It’s not about my little piece of turf anymore.

Maybe it’s a deep dive into what’s really important in life. Our normal activities have been turned upside-down. Life is topsy-turvy. And, as we attempt to grab something secure in the whirlwind, maybe we will learn to grab the important stuff…. which really isn’t stuff at all.  Right?

I don’t know. What I do know is that there is an Unstoppable Force working behind the scenes Who is good and healing and generous. Will be keeping my eyes and heart focused on that.