Gleanings from a Fast

Just finished a 7 day water fast and wanted to share a takeaway or two.

1. I broke the fast with a bowl of homemade lentil soup. As I began, I noticed I was paying a lot more attention to each bite. Not unexpected. Texture, flavors were more more savored than usual and I found myself pausing briefly a number of times throughout the meal. A thought popped up: What if you could maintain this mindfulness with food? Could this be a form of gratitude? So I’m setting my sights on eating more slowly, consciously.

2. I also became aware of the passage of time. Without food prep, eating, and a certain bodily function, time seemed to move at a slower pace. This includes while I was working during the day. Not sure exactly what to make of it but a feeling of appreciation comes up. Also, a reflection on being more aware of the flow of my daily activities, Pacing. Timing. Gratitude again? More mindfulness?

Sensing here that God is moving me to pay more attention to the quality of how I move through this life. I know that seems a simple concept but here the gift is experiential. I very much would like to continue in this pattern. And I believe I will.